Indiana’s Choice: “a must watch”

Indiana’s Choice: “a must watch” Indiana’s Choice is a just-released documentary demonstrating how school choice policies in Indiana segregate students and discriminate against both students and faculty. All of us owe a huge thanks to the documentary...

Leaky bucket: legislature diverts K-12 tuition support funding from public schools

Leaky bucket: legislature diverts K-12 tuition support funding from public schools Do you ever wonder how legislators can brag about “historic” increases in the education budget, yet public schools’ funding increases barely keep up with inflation? It’s because so much...

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #348

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #348 Dear Friends, Heads up! Public education is under the most serious attack ever seen in Indiana. Will you help defend it as you have for the last decade? Taking advantage of the pandemic and reduced citizen access to the Statehouse,...

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