Blog & Statehouse Notes
This space serves as vital resource for those who are dedicated to preserving and enhancing public education in Indiana. Through insightful articles, updates, and analysis, ICPE provides timely information on legislative actions, policy changes, and advocacy efforts impacting Indiana’s public education system. We strive to empower stakeholders with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and defend public education.
ICPE 2024 Annual Meeting Recap
We love our public schools and we vote! This was the message brought home at our 14th annual ICPE all-member meeting in Washington Township on Saturday, August 24. It was a powerful event and we were thrilled to see so many attend in person–and online. Our...
Vic’s Statehouse Notes #387 – Indiana Governor must prioritize public education
Dear Friends, Our public education students and schools need a Governor who will protect their funding. Candidate Mike Braun has proposed a cut in property taxes which solves the property tax problem on the backs of public school funding and local government funding....
ICPE Candidate Pledge
We love our public schools and we vote. This must be the message that all Hoosiers take to the voting booth this fall. Our state's future depends on the strength and effectiveness of our public schools. The vast majority, over 1 million, of Indiana's students attend...
Vic’s Statehouse Notes #386 – Accountability is key for publicly funded schooling
Dear Friends, The Indiana Coalition for Public Education board members have endorsed Jennifer McCormick for Governor. Jennifer McCormick endorsed Terry Goodin for Lieutenant Governor, and he easily won the nomination at the state convention less than two weeks ago. ...
Annual Members Meeting 2024
We hope you can join us this year on the north side of Indianapolis on August 24th from 2pm-4pm! All supporters of public education, new members & guests from across the state are encouraged to attend! We will once again gather at 8550 Woodfield Crossing Blvd....
Vic’s Statehouse Notes #385 – Wrecking ball
Dear Friends, The dust has settled on the 2024 short session and the Indiana primary election. The question that should be asked of all legislative candidates in the November election is now clear: "Do you favor or oppose state tax dollars going for the first time to...
Indiana Coalition for Public Education endorses Jennifer McCormick for Governor
The Indiana Coalition for Public Education has endorsed Dr. Jennifer McCormick for Governor of Indiana. This is the first time our organization has endorsed a candidate for a state-wide office. The Indiana Coalition for Public Education is a nonpartisan nonprofit...
Vic’s Statehouse Notes #384 – A new and negative precedent
Dear Friends, A new and negative precedent was set today in the slow dismantlement of public education in Indiana. This morning the Senate Appropriations Committee approved HB 1001 which gives state money to parents of general education students who are siblings of...
Vic’s Statehouse Notes #383 – Let’s talk about democracy
In last week's series of Statehouse Notes I told you that Senate Bill 255 is a stunning proposal to give control of education funding to parents. I deeply oppose this plan and urge you to oppose it as well. Senate Bill 255 is dead for this session, but Senator Mishler...
Vic’s Statehouse Notes #382 – Sneaky and inappropriate amendment
Dear Friends, I’ve been writing to you about the flawed plan to give parents control of your tax money to run their own homeschools, a plan which would create unaccountable micro schools that would take resources away from public school students. Now a sneaky and...
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