Blog & Statehouse Notes
This space serves as vital resource for those who are dedicated to preserving and enhancing public education in Indiana. Through insightful articles, updates, and analysis, ICPE provides timely information on legislative actions, policy changes, and advocacy efforts impacting Indiana’s public education system. We strive to empower stakeholders with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and defend public education.
Legislative Alert: HB 1326 – Teaching and Student Scholarships AND ECCA (Federal SGO)
HB 1326 STUDENT AND TEACHING SCHOLARSHIPS and ECCA Scholarships from scholarship granting organizations (SGOs) are a pre-tax voucher. They have been around for as long as Choice Scholarships (Indiana vouchers), but have not grown as fast as Choice Scholarships. Soon...
*UPDATE*Legislative Alert: SB 1 & SB 518 – Local Government Services Cuts – “Shot to the Heart”
SB 1, SB 443, SB 518 UPDATED 3/3/25 (scroll down to "What To Do") School funding is complicated and understanding taxes is mind-numbing. No one likes to pay taxes. But our communities greatly benefit from the services that come out of the taxes we pay, be it in our...
*DEAD*Legislative Alert: HB 1501 – Facilities and transportation pilot programs
HB1501: Facilities and transportation pilot programs. HB 1501 is authored by Representative Bob Behning. This bill echoes intentions in HB 1136 as it requires the same 5 districts to participate—Indianapolis Public Schools, Gary Public Schools, Cannelton,...
*DEAD*Legislative Alert: SB 257 – Civics Education
SB 257 is authored by Senator Spencer Deery. It would require teachers to base history or social studies instruction on the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States. It prohibits teachers from...
Legislative Alert: SB 289 – Nondiscrimination in employment and education
After holding this bill back, likely due to the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus’ Unity Rally that occurred in the Statehouse at the same time as Governor Braun’s State of the State address, on February 4th, SB 235 was rolled into SB 289 via Amendment 7, issued by the...
Vic’s Statehouse Notes #392 – HB 1002 deserves your urgent attention
Dear Friends, House Bill 1002 would lower the standards for the Indiana Secretary of Education. It would remove all requirements now in law and let the Governor appoint non-educators and recruit persons who don't live in Indiana to the post! HB 1002 deserves your...
*DEAD*Legislative Alert: HB 1230 – Partisan School Boards
Scroll down for updated calls to action KEEP POLITICS OUT OF THE SCHOOLHOUSE Two years ago, our ICPE co- founder and author of Vic's Statehouse Notes, Dr. Vic Smith, wrote about similar bills: “Making school boards partisan is a bad idea. It would further divide our...
*UPDATE* Legislative Alert: SB 287 – Partisan School Boards
UPDATE as of 3/3/25 KEEP POLITICS OUT OF THE SCHOOLHOUSE Two years ago, our ICPE co- founder and author of Vic's Statehouse Notes, Dr. Vic Smith, wrote about similar bills: “Making school boards partisan is a bad idea. It would further divide our state into partisan...
Legislative Alert: SB 403 – Charter school requirements
SB 403: Charter school requirements ICPE has consistently called for a moratorium on diverting public funds into private hands. Private voucher schools and public, privately-run charter schools lack the same transparency and accountability for our tax dollars as...
A Coordinated Political Attack on Indiana’s Public Schools
The bills and budgets that come from our elected officials reflect their priorities. And now they are coming from all directions. As we note in the printable attached detailed visual summary, the coordinated political attacks continue on our public schools that serve...
ICPE Statehouse Day of Action: Keeping Indiana Education Public
Join us for our annual Statehouse Day of Action on Presidents’ Day! Monday, February 17, 2025Presidents’ Day2:00pm - 4:00pmIndiana Statehouse2rd Floor Atrium - South200 W Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204 Link to Facebook Event (please share and invite your...
*DEAD*Legislative Alert: HB 1136 – Dissolving School Districts – Politicians’ Choice
HB 1136: Politicians’ Choice Despite the mantra of "parent choice,” this bill would potentially eliminate public school parents’ choice in the Indianapolis Public Schools, Gary Public Schools, Cannelton, Tri-Townships and Union school districts. This bill is a direct...
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