Write Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor tell communities what’s happening with public education. We encourage advocates of public education to submit an opinion piece, guest column or letter to the editor.

What should I write?

Check our blog or social media for current calls to action. We try to help you by providing the key points, bill numbers and who to contact. Here is a basic template you can use for writing a letter to the editor: 


Send letters to the newspapers in your area. The letter content should address how important the topic of the letter is locally. It should come from a local person.

The first step is to actually READ your local paper and get familiar with what they use and what their requirements are. (Some specify that letters to the editor should be 400 words or less, or they may have a spotlight letter that can go beyond that.)

Usually, the instructions for submitting are located at the bottom of the opinion page. Not every paper accepts letters and they don’t run them every day. The method for submitting is ever changing, and the staff is ever changing.

Don’t forget to send us a copy if your LTE is selected! We may pick it up in our media monitoring, or we might miss it, but we’d love to share in our social media –  and that encourages others.

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