We love our public schools* and we vote.

This is the message we must take to the voting booth as a focus in all elections — local, state and national. There has been a bipartisan attack on our traditional public schools and it will take a bipartisan effort to stop it. We must defend, not defund public education. Know where your candidates stand on public education issues and vote to support our students, teachers and communities. Vote for public education.


Use the tools below to empower yourself and others to #VotePublicEd.

#VotePublicEd also looks beyond the election: it’s an ongoing challenge to hold our elected officials accountable for making votes that benefit our students and public schools once elected. These short-term objectives will enable us to achieve our long-term goal: high quality, equitable, well-funded public schools, subject to democratic oversight by their communities, for every single Hoosier child. Achieving this goal will ensure that our communities and our students thrive.

*Our organization does not consider charters or so-called “innovation schools” to be public schools, though they are called that in state law. Charters and “innovation schools” do not share the following accountability requirements with public school districts: 1) to serve all students within a given geographic area, 2) to be governed by a democratically elected local board (“innovation schools” are outsourced within districts, while charters appoint their own boards), and 3) to follow the full body of state education law, including teacher certification requirements and financial reporting requirements.

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Questions? Contact us at info@indianacoalitionforpubliced.org

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