Spring 2020 School Referenda in Indiana

What is a referendum?

A referendum is a ballot proposal for a local property tax (often cents per every $100 of property value) to generate more money to support local schools.

Why vote for a referendum?

Three simple reasons.

  1. Since 2009, local public schools have been losing funding—via the state budget or circuit breaker (property tax cap) laws or both—but the state has allowed school districts to use referenda to make ends meet.  A referendum is the only mechanism left for school districts to raise funds. 
  2. A well-funded school is a well-resourced school—a “good school”—and well-resourced schools are essential to a community.
  3. Thriving, well-resourced schools help retain property values.

Spring 2020 School Referenda in Indiana

There are 14 school districts trying to pass 18 referenda. These 14 school districts educate over 92,500 children. That’s almost 10% of all public school students in Indiana. Some of these districts have passed referenda in the past, others have not.

Below is the list broken down into three categories.

Construction Referendum
Beech Grove 
Fort Wayne 
MSD Washington Township
South Bend 

Operating Referendum
Beech Grove 
MSD Washington Township 
South Bend
Union Township (Porter County)
Western Wayne 

School Safety and Security Referendum
New Albany-Floyd 

See the state list of school referenda on the June 2020 ballot

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