Mail Legislators a Postcard

Good old-fashioned letters and postcards are a great visual way to communicate with state lawmakers. We encourage groups to write postcards focused on our legislative priorities. This is an easy opportunity for people to get involved and reach their elected officials.

What should I write?

Check our blog or social media for current calls to action. We try to help you by providing the key points, bill numbers and who to contact. Below is a basic template you can use for writing a letter or postcard elected official. We also have a printable postcard if you would like to host a postcard writing campaign in your community.  


  • Thank representatives who have supported good legislation in the past for their votes.
  • Craft persuasive messages.
  • Remind them public education is not a partisan issue.
  • Encourage legislators to support legislation that strengthens public schools.
  • Personal stories and anecdotes are particularly effective, whether it’s your own personal story or a close friend’s.
  • Be disciplined in your messaging: the best way to build support for your position is to keep communication positive, bipartisan, inclusive, and single-issue.
  • Avoid getting sidetracked with other issues you care about.
  • If you are a constituent, mention that.
  • Some examples of things you can say:

“Please support public education by voting (yes/no) on bill (number)”

“I am writing in on behalf of my nephew with special needs who receives care through his public school.”

Refer to ICPE’s vision, mission and beliefs for inspiration.

Now tell your friends and neighbors what you did! Share your advocacy on social media!

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