by Marilyn Shank, Vice President ICPE | Apr 25, 2021 | 2021 Legislative Session, Education Savings Accounts, Indiana Legislature, Legislative Priorities, Media, Privatization, School Funding, State Budget, Vouchers
Op Ed: The Leaky Bucket of Indiana K-12 School Funding Marilyn Shank, Vice President of ICPE, wrote a letter to the editor which appeared in the print version of the Indianapolis Star on April 25, 2021. Every odd-numbered year when the Indiana General Assembly...
by ICPE | Apr 21, 2021 | 2021 Legislative Session, Education Savings Accounts, Indiana Legislature, Legislative Alerts, Legislative Priorities, Privatization, School Funding, State Budget, Teacher Pay, Vouchers
ICPE Response to Indiana’s Proposed Budget Bill ICPE Response to Indiana’s Proposed Budget Bill April 21, 2021 The Indiana Coalition for Public Education (ICPE) welcomes the news that Indiana’s proposed budget will include $1.9 billion in new dollars for K-12...
by Dr. Suellen Reed Goddard, Glenda Ritz & Dr. Jennifer McCormick | Apr 20, 2021 | 2021 Legislative Session, Education Savings Accounts, Indiana Legislature, Legislative Alerts, Legislative Priorities, Privatization, School Funding, State Budget, Vouchers
It’s about accountability: Why we still oppose private school ESAs and voucher expansion It is confounding to us as former State Superintendents of Public Instruction that legislators do not seem to value accountability. In this legislative session and past sessions,...
by Dr. Vic Smith | Apr 19, 2021 | 2021 Legislative Session, Indiana Legislature, Legislative Alerts, Legislative Priorities, Privatization, School Funding, State Budget, Statehouse Notes, Teacher Pay, Vouchers
Vic’s Statehouse Notes #356 – looming threats and flaws Dear Friends, With only three days left in this General Assembly session, a dangerous threat to our state remains to be fixed. Education Scholarship Accounts are still in the budget bill, and the...
by ICPE | Apr 19, 2021 | 2021 Legislative Session, Education Savings Accounts, Indiana Legislature, Legislative Priorities, Privatization, School Funding, State Budget, Teacher Pay, Testimony, Vouchers
Will ESAs help most vulnerable students in foster care? Kristina Frey is an attorney who works as a juvenile public defender in Marion County. She testified on HB 1001 at the School Funding Subcommittee meeting on 3/25/21 specifically on ESAs and voucher expansion....
by ICPE | Apr 15, 2021 | 2021 Legislative Session, Education Savings Accounts, Indiana Legislature, Legislative Alerts, Legislative Priorities, Privatization, School Funding, State Budget, Teacher Pay, Vouchers
Call to action – Speak up now before it’s too late If the proposed Education Scholarsip Accounts (ESAs) are included in the state budget bill, they will be the proverbial “camel’s nose under the tent.” Like voucher programs, ESA programs...