ICPE Statehouse Day of Action: Unite for Our Public Schools

ICPE Statehouse Day of Action: Unite for Our Public Schools Mark your calendars for Presidents’ Day on Monday, February 19th and bring your friends and family to ICPE’s Day of Action. This legislative session has been a scary preview of what is to come next year when...

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #377 – Not a good start

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #377 – Not a good start It’s Not a Good Start for the Short Session Two Senate bills, SB 255 and SB 143, directly implement Milton Friedman’s plan to give school funding to parents and not to schools, abruptly ending the way...

Sine die – the session has ended

Sine die – the session has ended Sine Die. The session has ended.  We wonder, yet again, what it will take for Indiana’s citizens to see how the attack on public schools, the Common Good, will affect our children for decades to come. The supermajority will crow...

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #375 – Tremendous disappointments for traditional public schools

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #375 – Tremendous disappointments for traditional public schools Dear Friends, The final budget unveiled Wednesday carries bad news for public education in Indiana. It adds 6% in the first year and only 2% in the second year for...

Suckerpunched! A horrible day for Indiana K-12 public education with losses across the board

Suckerpunched! A horrible day for Indiana K-12 public education with losses across the board NOW IS THE FINAL TIME TO CALL ALL INDIANA LEGISLATORS: Senators: (800) 382-9467 House Democrats:  (800) 382-9842 House Republicans(800) 382-9841 As we always say, a budget...

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #374 – Education budget analysis

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #374 – Education budget analysis Dear Friends, The Indiana Senate, led by Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Ryan Mishler, unveiled its proposed budget on April 13 and passed it on April 18, by a vote of 40-10. The Senate budget...

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