Blog & Statehouse Notes

This space serves as vital resource for those who are dedicated to preserving and enhancing public education in Indiana. Through insightful articles, updates, and analysis, ICPE provides timely information on legislative actions, policy changes, and advocacy efforts impacting Indiana’s public education system. We strive to empower stakeholders with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and defend public education.



Vic’s Statehouse Notes #353 – The camel’s nose

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #353 – The camel’s nose

Dear Friends, Milton Friedman, the famous economist who passed away in 2006, wanted to end public schools and get the government out of education. He proposed to just give tax money directly to parents to let them pay for their child’s education from vendors or...

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Indiana’s Choice: “a must watch”

Indiana’s Choice: “a must watch”

Indiana’s Choice is a just-released documentary demonstrating how school choice policies in Indiana segregate students and discriminate against both students and faculty. All of us owe a huge thanks to the documentary producers: Alan Backler, David Gudaitis, Larry...

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Celebrate Public Schools Week!

Celebrate Public Schools Week!

Public Schools Week is this week! Public schools nationwide have been faced with incredible challenges in the last year and had to balance so many competing needs involved in educating our children. Help us celebrate our Indiana public schools by showing appreciation...

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The value of public education

The value of public education

"Public education is taking a back seat in our state and I find that a troubling development." From the blog: Larry In Fishers. It's particularly timely to see these comments during Public Schools Week. Larry Lannan is the local media in Fishers, IN. He covers almost...

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ICPE Presidents Day Legislative Event – Video

ICPE Presidents Day Legislative Event – Video

Our unexpected event is packed with great information! When we couldn't have a rally due to COVID restrictions, we thought we'd do a small event at the Statehouse on Presidents Day to introduce the letter from the three former Indiana Superintendents of Public...

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HB 1005 Passes House 61-38

HB 1005 Passes House 61-38

Attached is the House Roll Call vote on HB 1005 which passed 61-38 on 3rd Reading on 2/16/21.  Does your legislator support public education? Where is your legislator on this list? Votes matter. It’s an ongoing challenge to hold our elected officials accountable for...

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ICPE President – “A budget reflects our priorities”

ICPE President – “A budget reflects our priorities”

Here are the passionate remarks from ICPE President Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer that she shared at our Presidents Day Zoom "Rally" earlier this week:"Every year, I think. What’s it going to take? What will it take for Indiana to stop the defunding of our public schools and...

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