Blog & Statehouse Notes

This space serves as vital resource for those who are dedicated to preserving and enhancing public education in Indiana. Through insightful articles, updates, and analysis, ICPE provides timely information on legislative actions, policy changes, and advocacy efforts impacting Indiana’s public education system. We strive to empower stakeholders with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and defend public education.



Indiana’s Choice – Film Panel Discussion

Indiana’s Choice – Film Panel Discussion

Join us for an evening discussing the documentary, "Indiana's Choice," with individuals involved in the making of the film. Indiana's Choice is a documentary that demonstrates how school choice policies in Indiana enable segregation of students and discrimination...

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Op Ed: The Leaky Bucket of Indiana K-12 School Funding

Op Ed: The Leaky Bucket of Indiana K-12 School Funding

Marilyn Shank, Vice President of ICPE,  wrote a letter to the editor which appeared in the print version of the Indianapolis Star on April 25, 2021. Every odd-numbered year when the Indiana General Assembly develops the state’s next budget, legislators often brag...

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ICPE Response to Indiana’s Proposed Budget Bill

ICPE Response to Indiana’s Proposed Budget Bill

ICPE Response to Indiana’s Proposed Budget Bill April 21, 2021 The Indiana Coalition for Public Education (ICPE) welcomes the news that Indiana’s proposed budget will include $1.9 billion in new dollars for K-12 education over the biennium including a $1.03 billion...

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Vic’s Statehouse Notes #356 – looming threats and flaws

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #356 – looming threats and flaws

Dear Friends, With only three days left in this General Assembly session, a dangerous threat to our state remains to be fixed.  Education Scholarship Accounts are still in the budget bill, and the bill language does not protect Indiana from extremists, from criminals...

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Will ESAs help our most vulnerable students?

Will ESAs help our most vulnerable students?

Kristina Frey is an attorney who works as a juvenile public defender in Marion County. She testified on HB 1001 at the School Funding Subcommittee meeting on 3/25/21 specifically on ESAs and voucher expansion. She shared how these provsions can and will affect her...

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Call to action – Speak up now before it’s too late

Call to action – Speak up now before it’s too late

If the proposed Education Scholarsip Accounts (ESAs) are included in the state budget bill, they will be the proverbial "camel's nose under the tent." Like voucher programs, ESA programs start out small and then grow exponentially, costing millions in taxpayer dollars...

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Vic’s Statehouse Notes #355

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #355

Dear Friends, The Senate budget proposal was announced on April 8th. The Senate budget put more money into the K-12 budget than did the House plan in the second year of the budget.  In the second year (FY 2023), the House increase was 2.4% and the Senate increase was...

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Every Indiana public school is losing money because of vouchers

Every Indiana public school is losing money because of vouchers

Every Indiana public school is losing money because of vouchers. Even if no students leave your school district to use a voucher, even if you don’t have any voucher-accepting schools in your small or rural school district, your school district still loses money due to...

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