Oppose SB 305 – In support of standards

Oppose SB 305 – In support of standards After graduating from Arsenal Technical High School and earning an electrical engineering degree from Purdue, my dad started a business in 1959 to calibrate equipment to verify that the equipment met standards established...

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #369 – Threat to existence of public education

Vic’s Statehouse Notes #369 – Threat to existence of public education Dear Friends, We have until Wednesday, January 25, to convince Senate Education Committee members that Senate Bill 305 would fatally wound public education.  The Threat to the Existence...

ICPE 2022 Legislative Scorecard

ICPE 2022 Legislative Scorecard LEGISLATIVE SCORECARD REVEALS PRO-PUBLIC EDUCATION INDIANA LEGISLATORS Twenty-eight percent of the members of the Indiana House of Representatives voted to support public schools while only 16 percent of Indiana State Senators aligned...

Who is funding my school board candidates?

Who is funding my school board candidates? [Note: a special thank you to Keri Miksza, chair of the Indiana Coalition for Public Education of Monroe County for her work on this post] How to research campaign funding for local school board elections  Each county...

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