*DEAD*Legislative Alert: HB 1501 – Facilities and transportation pilot programs

by | Feb 9, 2025 | 2025 Legislative Session, Legislative Alerts - 2025

 HB1501: Facilities and transportation pilot programs.

HB 1501 is authored by Representative Bob Behning. This bill echoes intentions in HB 1136 as it requires the same 5 districts to participate—Indianapolis Public Schools, Gary Public Schools, Cannelton, Tri-Townships and Union school districts—for 3 years, with 3 more districts allowed to “volunteer.” The bill would take away control of facilities and transportation from public schools by creating independent boards with taxing authority. It mandates centralized transportation for all public, charter, and private schools, which could reduce efficiency and flexibility for families. 

This bill is one-sided. Charter and private schools are not required to transfer buildings or buses to the appointed board. And the appointed board excludes district employees or board members, but allows those from charter/private schools. 

Here is the proposed timeline: By 10/31/25, an appointed board will manage all “school facilities” and transportation for public, charter, and private schools, including related debt and maintenance, among other things in the 5 districts listed above plus possibly 3 more. After 3 years (starting 2029–30), the appointed board takes permanent ownership of all assets and funding for facilities and transportation, and becomes a local property taxing unit. By 7/1/29, IDOE must submit a plan to expand this model statewide, including taking control of buildings and buses from ALL districts. This bill will take away local control from communities for how their facilities and transportation would be utilized. This is property that taxpayers paid for with their taxes. All of this would take place no matter how full, how high achieving, or financially stable the schools may be.

In short, here are our issues with HB 1501. 

  • Legislators are trying to cut property taxes, but this will create a new local taxing unit.
  • This is forced consolidation by state legislators. If the pilot becomes statewide policy in 2029, it will take control away from locally elected school boards and ownership from local school corporations, no matter how full, how high achieving, or financially stable the schools may be.
  • This is one-sided. Charter and private schools are not required to transfer buildings or buses to the appointed board.The appointed board excludes district employees or board members, but allows those from charter/private schools. 

Contact the House Education Committee members by the end of the day Tuesday, February 11th and ask them to oppose HB 1501.  

House Education Committee Members

Rep. Robert Behning, Chair ( R) District 91 – Email: h91@iga.in.gov
Rep. Michelle Davis, Vice Chair (R ) District 58 – Email: h58@iga.in.gov
Rep. Martin Carbaugh (R ) District 81 – Email: h81@iga.in.gov
Rep. Becky Cash (R ) District 25 – Email: h25@iga.in.gov
Rep. Andrew Ireland (R) District 90 – Email: h90@iga.in.gov
Rep. Julie McGuire (R ) District 93 – Email: h93@iga.in.gov
Rep. Zach Payne (R ) District 66 – Email: h66@iga.in.gov
Rep. Hunter Smith (R) District 24 – Email: h24@iga.in.gov
Rep. Jake Teshka (R ) District 7 – Email: h7@iga.in.gov
Rep. Vernon Smith, Ranking Minority Member (D ) District 14 – Email: h14@iga.in.gov
Rep. Edward DeLaney (D ) District 86 – Email: h86@iga.in.gov
Rep. Sheila Klinker (D ) District 27 – Email: h27@iga.in.gov
Rep. Tonya Pfaff (D ) District 43 – Email: h43@iga.in.gov

To email all at once, copy and paste the addresses into the “To” field of your email.


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