A Coordinated Political Attack on Indiana’s Public Schools

The bills and budgets that come from our elected officials reflect their priorities. And now they are coming from all directions.
As we note in the printable attached detailed visual summary, the coordinated political attacks continue on our public schools that serve over one million students. These attacks are more coordinated than ever and now include the City of Indianapolis. Hoosiers must fight back. We hope that our local Representatives, Senators and Councilors will see and hear our actions in response to these direct attacks on local democratic control of our schools and taxpayer assets in our communities.
Earlier this month, HB 1136 got our attention because it dissolves districts and converts them into charter schools, no matter how full or how high achieving or financially stable the local district schools may be.
Meanwhile, HB 1002 is supposed to be an education “deregulation” bill, but turns out to offer yet more freedoms to charter schools with less oversight and accountability. It also removes most of the requirements for the secretary of education.
HB 1501 strips public schools of their largest taxpayer/community-funded assets – buildings and buses – and forces them to provide transportation to charter and private schools.
Now, we have a new proposal to the Indianapolis City-County Council Education Committee. While it’s still uncertain exactly what the words of the proposal will be, it appears from a December news release and talk on the street that it may be the only local level ESA vouchers in the nation. See the visual summary for why vouchers for “public school” students are still a big problem.
Indiana, what will you do to fight back?
1. Sign up with ICPE to be willing to testify, with our help, on one or more of these bills or the Proposal
2. Agree to print out and distribute 10 copies of the graphic to individuals in your local community
3. Agree to post copies of the graphic in your local coffee shops, library, churches, hair or nail salons, or anyplace where people might see it.
4. Agree to attend and speak about the graphic at the next Third House meeting in your region of the state. Read and learn about Third House meetings here.
5. Agree to speak about the graphic and distribute copies of it at your next Kiwanis, Rotary, book club, or other local meeting.
6. Agree to print out and distribute copies of the graphic at your local athletic events, PTA/PTO meetings, music contests, FFA/4-H events, robotics contests, theatre, etc.
Let us know what you will do! Drop us a line at info@indianacoalitionforpubliced.org.
Better yet, here use our form to let us know the ways you plan to help fight back.