Indiana Coalition for Public Education endorses Jennifer McCormick for Governor

The Indiana Coalition for Public Education has endorsed Dr. Jennifer McCormick for Governor of Indiana. This is the first time our organization has endorsed a candidate for a state-wide office.
The Indiana Coalition for Public Education is a nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to preserving and improving public education for all Indiana students. We believe all Indiana children deserve an equitable, fully-funded education system under local control of parents and citizens.
McCormick’s term as the 44th and last elected Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction proved she is a champion for Hoosier kids.
At the same time, McCormick demonstrated fiscal responsibility and pushed for more accountability and transparency as she managed more than half of Indiana’s state budget. We are confident McCormick will bring the same passion and skills to agriculture, highways, health care, economic development and all management functions required of Indiana’s governor.
McCormick supports public education and is committed to the protection of student and parents’ rights and freedoms. As an educator, she celebrates access to literature and the accurate teaching of history.
Our members across the state love their public schools, and they vote!
This is the message we will take to the voting booth in all 2024 elections– local, state and national. We must defend, not defund public education. Our organization will help voters know where candidates stand on public education issues and encourage them to vote to support our students, teachers and communities.
If Hoosiers are serious about improving Indiana’s health statistics, reviving small towns, creating jobs, lifting families out of poverty, and producing qualified workers, it starts with supporting strong public schools. Jennifer McCormick is the leader most qualified to address those needs and that is why she must be our next governor.
Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer
President, Indiana Coalition for Public Education