In these divisive times we need you to come together for our public schools.

We’re taking a slightly different approach to our Statehouse event this year.

What hasn’t changed:

  • It’s on Presidents Day, (Monday, Feb. 21), with the program beginning at 2 p.m. in the North Atrium.
  • We want you to be here! (So many bad bills affecting public schools, so little time.)
  • We have excellent and inspirational speakers lined up.
  • During this exhausting session filled with bad bills, it’s energizing to be among public school advocates.

What has changed:

  • Rather than having a rally, we’re having a Day of Action. Several of the public-school- supporting groups have taken this approach in the 2022 short session. That way our groups keep up the pressure on multiple days and weeks throughout the session.
  • It’s the first day of Public Schools Week, and we’ll celebrate that.
  • ICPE will kick off its Public Schools Unite us theme. (Look for yard signs, stickers, and other visible swag to follow.)

What we suggest you do:

  • Invite friends!
  • Bring your kids if they are out of school that day.
  • If you can arrive early or stay after the program, contact your legislators between now and Monday and see if they can visit with you briefly.
  • We’ll have cards you can use to drop off messages to your legislators.
  • Look on the back of this flyer for the details of parking, security, etc.
  • Bring your own signs if you want, but we’ll have some to give you.

Make your voices heard!!!

Here’s a link to the event info on Facebook.

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