Rally To Support Public Education – Feb. 17 2pm

by | Feb 4, 2020 | 2020 Legislative Session, Indiana Legislature

Sure, WE remember the THOUSANDS of educators, parents, administrators, school board members and community members who marched on November 19th. That was on “Organization Day” for the Indiana General Assembly. It was the ceremonial kick off of the legislative session and it’s also a chance for each caucus to organize and finalize ideas for legislation.

Since that day, there have been several pieces of education-related legislation that have been proposed, many focused on the priorities of the November marchers. Unfortunately, the supermajority says it will not act on teacher pay until the budget session of 2021. The Governor prefers to wait until he hears recommendations from his appointed commission, which means no pay increases would kick in until the next budget takes effect after July 1, 2021.

Let’s come together on Presidents’ Day to remind them:


Join us on February 17th at 2pm at the Indiana Statehouse in the North Atrium.

Here’s a Rally Flyer – Updated (2 pages).

Here’s a  link to our event on Facebook.

We hope to see you all there!

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