Southeastern Indiana School Study Council Superintendents reject attack on public education

Southeastern Indiana School Study Council Superintendents reject attack on public education The members of the Southeastern Indiana School Study Council represent twenty-three (23) school corporations and one (1) career center across southeastern Indiana. “We...

ICPE Presidents Day Legislative Event – Video

ICPE Presidents Day Legislative Event – Video Our unexpected event is packed with great information! When we couldn’t have a rally due to COVID restrictions, we thought we’d do a small event at the Statehouse on Presidents Day to introduce the letter...

“Choices” to non-public schools that cannot or will not adequately serve students

“Choices” to non-public schools that cannot or will not adequately serve students Many thanks to Carla Schmid, a special needs parent who testified in opposition to HB 1005 in the House Education Committee hearing.  She joined us on ICPE’s special Presidents Day...

HB 1005 Passes House 61-38

HB 1005 Passes House 61-38 Attached is the House Roll Call vote on HB 1005 which passed 61-38 on 3rd Reading on 2/16/21.  Does your legislator support public education? Where is your legislator on this list? Votes matter. It’s an ongoing challenge to hold our elected...

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