by ICPE | Apr 19, 2021 | 2021 Legislative Session, Education Savings Accounts, Indiana Legislature, Legislative Priorities, Privatization, School Funding, State Budget, Teacher Pay, Testimony, Vouchers
Will ESAs help most vulnerable students in foster care? Kristina Frey is an attorney who works as a juvenile public defender in Marion County. She testified on HB 1001 at the School Funding Subcommittee meeting on 3/25/21 specifically on ESAs and voucher expansion....
by ICPE | Apr 15, 2021 | 2021 Legislative Session, Education Savings Accounts, Indiana Legislature, Legislative Alerts, Legislative Priorities, Privatization, School Funding, State Budget, Teacher Pay, Vouchers
Call to action – Speak up now before it’s too late If the proposed Education Scholarsip Accounts (ESAs) are included in the state budget bill, they will be the proverbial “camel’s nose under the tent.” Like voucher programs, ESA programs...
by Dr. Vic Smith | Apr 14, 2021 | 2021 Legislative Session, Education Savings Accounts, Indiana Legislature, Legislative Alerts, Legislative Priorities, Privatization, School Funding, State Budget, Statehouse Notes, Teacher Pay, Vouchers
Vic’s Statehouse Notes #355 Dear Friends, The Senate budget proposal was announced on April 8th. The Senate budget put more money into the K-12 budget than did the House plan in the second year of the budget. In the second year (FY 2023), the House increase was...
by Marilyn Shank | Apr 8, 2021 | 2021 Legislative Session, Education Savings Accounts, Indiana Legislature, Legislative Alerts, Legislative Priorities, Privatization, School Funding, State Budget, Teacher Pay, Vouchers
Every Indiana public school is losing money because of vouchers Every Indiana public school is losing money because of vouchers. Even if no students leave your school district to use a voucher, even if you don’t have any voucher-accepting schools in your small or...
by ICPE | Mar 30, 2021 | 2021 Legislative Session, Education Savings Accounts, Indiana Legislature, Legislative Alerts, Legislative Priorities, Privatization, School Funding, Special Education, State Budget, Teacher Pay, Testimony, Vouchers
Joel Hand testimony & video on HB 1001 K-12 Funding Subcommittee Thank you to our amazing lobbyist Joel Hand! He testified before the School Funding Subcommittee last week on March 25, 2021. He and almost 60 other speakers endured a 6-hour marathon meeting that...