Dr. Jennifer McCormick joins ICPE Board

Dr. Jennifer McCormick has joined the Indiana Coalition for Public Education Board
INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 14, 2021 — Dr. Jennifer McCormick, who completed her four-year term as Indiana Superintendent of Public Education last week, will join the volunteer board of the Indiana Coalition for Public Education (ICPE).
“We are delighted Dr. McCormick has accepted our invitation,” said Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer, president of ICPE. “She has been a tremendous advocate for children and for Indiana’s public schools. Dr. McCormick has been a frequent presenter at our meetings and rallies and at public education town hall meetings across the state.”
McCormick joins two other former Indiana Superintendents of Public Education on the ICPE board, Glenda Ritz, who served from 2013 through 2016, and Dr. Suellen Reed Goddard, who served four terms from 1993 to 2009.
“ICPE is fortunate to have these individuals serving on our board. They bring a deep knowledge of education policy and a wealth of experience with public schools,” said Fuentes-Rohwer.
ICPE is a bipartisan organization that advocates for high quality, equitable, well-funded public schools for all children.
ICPE’s additional board members are: Dountonia Batts, education justice advocate; Shelley Clark, parent advocate; Dr. Tony Lux, retired school superintendent; Dr. Patricia Payne, racial equity expert; MaryAnn Schlegel Ruegger, attorney; Marilyn Shank, public relations professional; Tim Skinner, retired teacher and former Indiana State Senator; Dr. Vic Smith, retired principal and former assistant executive director of the Indiana Urban Schools Association; and Marvin Ward, school finance consultant.
ICPE has members throughout Indiana and local affiliated groups in Monroe County and in northwest Indiana. In addition to raising awareness and lobbying for legislation that benefits public schools, the group issues legislative alerts and compiles a biennial legislative report card based on Indiana legislators’ votes on bills affecting public schools and public school students.